Tuesday, December 31, 2019

I Have Recently Volunteered - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1588 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/05/06 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Volunteer Essay Did you like this example? I have recently volunteered my services helping at the Baby Gator Daycare. Serving the Baby Gator Daycare at Diamond Village helped me see and experience what I had been studying in the Human Growth and Development course (EDF 3110) and actually apply what I had learned in the class. Personally, I decided to volunteer at the Baby Gator Daycare at the Diamond Village location with preschoolers age three because I believed that it would have been the perfect opportunity for me to interact with children transitioning from infancy to toddlerhood and learn first-hand about early childhood development. By volunteering at the Baby Gator Center I was able to observe the theories that had been taught in the classroom and learn common behavioral, cognitive, and physical aspects of human development found in toddlers. The Baby Gator Daycare which is located at Diamond Village serves children ages 3 to 5 years-old. This center helps childrens growth by offering a loving, stimulating and healthy environment. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "I Have Recently Volunteered" essay for you Create order As in Piagetian classrooms, children at Baby Gator were encouraged to discover for themselves through spontaneous interaction with the environment. The teacher provided a rich variety of activities designed to promote exploration, including art, puzzles, table games, books and building blocks. Children behavior is highly conditioned by their surrounding environment, therefore thanks to the Baby Gator centers warm environment and the wide curriculum that they offer, childrens behavioral, cognitive, physical and social development is promoted. I choose to serve Baby Gator because I wanted to actually help the children explore and grow, and make a positive impact in their life. My role and duties at Baby Gator where pretty simple. I was scheduled to go to the center every Thursday from 3pm to 5 pm. Every week I had to volunteer in the same room, with the same kids, and thanks to this I was able to see some of the changes and improvements in the childrens behavioral and cognitive aspects. On my first day, when I first entered the classroom, all the kids were sleeping but, as soon as they woke up I immediately found out that each kid was different and had his own way of welcoming me. Some kids seemed very excited to see me and my presence made them very curious. These kids accepted me instantly and as soon as they found that that I was going to spend some time with them they could not stop asking me to play with them. Others were more shy and it took some more time for them to welcome me and tell me their names. Since my schedule was from 3pm to 5pm, and the kids would wake up from their nap at 3pm, I would always try to get there a bit earlier so that I could observe how the children would respond when they had to wake up from their daily afternoon naps. Every day a different kid had the responsibility to turn on the light and tell everyone to wake up. I found that very sweet and a nice way to teach the kids to take care of their mates and become more autonomous. While for some toddlers waking up was easy and meant snack time, for others waking up was really difficult. Just like in Ericksons theory Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt, I found that Baby Gator did an amazing job teaching the kids that once they had woken up they had to clean up their bedsheets, put away their mattresses and go use the restroom. By using the toilet, cleaning up for themselves, or putting away their mattresses, they meet their assertions of independence with tolerance and understanding (Berk number). Overall, I found that Baby Gator did an amazing job teaching the kids autonomy by making them clean up their bedsheets, put away their mattresses and go use the restroom once they had woken up. After cleaning up their bedsheets and mattresses, all the kids would grab a book and sit on the carpet while my supervisor and I would prepare their snacks. Before snack time, the kids had been taught to take turns to go to the bathroom and wash their hands. The efforts of Baby Gator to give the kids a healthy and balanced diet can be seen in the snacks that they provide them. Most of the time the snacks would consist of crackers and cheese, crackers and fruits or vegetables. Making sure that all the kids would intake the right amount of nutrients by offering healthy foods such as celery apples, crackers and cheese, and not junk foods such as donuts and candies, was a good way to increase childrens liking for those healthy foods. (Berk 219) Even though most of the kids would eat all their snacks and even ask for more, some children were picky eaters or were not hungry and would refuse to eat the snacks given. Preschoolers appetites decline because their growth has slowed. Though they eat less, preschoolers require a high-quality diet, including the same nutrients adults need, but in smaller quantities (Berk 219). I remember my supervisor telling me that Camila, one of the kids, was a very picky eater. After a month volunteering at Baby Gator, my supervisor and I noticed that when Camila would eat more, she would be more active and more talkative while when she would eat less, she would be more tired and inattentive. To encourage Camila eating habits, we would repeatedly expose her to new foods and support her by saying things like, I know you can finish your snack!. Soon Camila started to eat her snacks and was eating more. Because preschoolers are still developing standards of excellence and conduct, they depend on the messages of parents, teachers, and others who matter to them (Berk 262). Therefore, by encouraging Camilas eating with positive words, Camilas eating habits improved. Overall, snack time was a joyful time where kids would sit down and share their thoughts and feelings with their mates. Most of the 3 year olds spoke very clearly, while Andrea and July, two foreigners from Turkey and Israel respectively, would have more difficulty talking and, instead of using words, they would sometimes use sounds. Andrea and July recently moved from their home country and were learning English as their second language after having acquired their first. When preschool children from immigrant families acquire a second language, after already speaking the language of their cultural heritage, the time required to master the second language to the level of native-speaking age mates varies greatly, from 1 to 5 or more years. (Berk 323) Since Influential factors such as child motivation, quality of communication and of literacy experiences in languages at home and at school are influential factors in the amount of time a kid takes to learn a new language, to promote Andreas and Camilas acquisition of English, the teacher would try to make some allotted time just for them by reading them a book and going over the meaning of all the tougher words. Around 4pm, when all the kids had finished their snacks and had washed their hands, my supervisor had some kind of activity ready for them. Sometimes the activity would consist of singing songs, drawing with crayons or going outside to play. Playing with the children and observing them draw and color, made me more aware of their fine-motor skills. When I would observe the kids drawing, they would often draw themselves as circular shapes with lines attached to it; therefore, drawing tadpole images. As stated in the book, fine-motor and cognitive limitations lead the preschooler to reduce the figure to the simplest form that still looks human: the universal Tadpole image, a circular shape with lines attached (Berk 224). When we would play outside, they would often pretend to be a big family, with a girl being the mom, a boy being the dad and everyone else being the children. By labeling a girl as the mom and a boy as the dad, Gender Schema Theory emerges. As soon as preschoolers can label their own gender, they select gender schemas consistent with it and apply those categories to themselves. Their self-perceptions then become gender-typed and serve as additional schemas that children use to process information and guide their own behavior (Berk 279). Watching the kids engage in make-believe play reminded me of when, at their same age, I would play the same game with my friends. As they assign roles and negotiate make-believe plans such as: Youpretend to bethe mom, Illbe the dad. In communicating about pretend, children think about their own and others fanciful representations†evidence that they have begun to reason about peoples mental activities. (Berk 228). By Volunteering at Baby Gator I was able to apply concepts learned in class to real life. I found that elements of both Piagets and Vygotskys theory were present at Baby Gator. As in Piagetian classrooms, children at Baby Gator were encouraged to discover for themselves through spontaneous interaction with the environment; while as stated by Vygotskys theory, I found that since all kids are different and develop at their own time, for the curriculum to be developmentally appropriate, the teacher planned activities that encompassed not only what the children were capable of doing on their own but what they could learn with the help of others. I am very happy about what I have learned and achieved in the past 7 weeks. Thanks to this experience I was able to see how children differ in their nutritional habits and motor skills development, as well as see Piaget and Vygotskys theories in real life situations.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Essay about A Rose For Emily - In Memory Of Emily Grierson

In the short story  ¡Ã‚ §A Rose for Emily, ¡Ã‚ ¨ (1930) William Faulkner presents Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s instable state of mind through a missed sequence of events. Faulkner arranges the story in fractured time and then introduces characters who contribute to the development of Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s personality. The theme of isolation is also presented by Faulkner ¡Ã‚ ¦s descriptive words and symbolic images. amp;#9;Faulkner uses anachronism to illustrate Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s confused mind. The story is split into five sections. The first section begins with Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s funeral and moves on to her past. Faulkner first recaptures the dispensation of Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s taxes in 1894, he continues by illustrating Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s nature no to accepts new concepts. When the  ¡Ã‚ §next†¦show more content†¦While Miss Emily is still distressed by her father ¡Ã‚ ¦s death, homer ¡Ã‚ ¦s affection brings Miss Emily out of her grief. Homer Barron therefore frees Miss Emily from her reserved nature. However, the news that homer Barron is leaving town for another women pushes Miss Emily to the edge of insanity, While Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s father and Homer Barron influences Miss Emily to have the confused personality she does, Faulkner also suggests her insane behavior may be inherited. The insanity of Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s great aunt, old lady Wyatt, suggests that Miss Emily ¡Ã ‚ ¦s craziness may be passed on from her family line. By informing the reader about old lady Wyatt ¡Ã‚ ¦s insanity, Faulkner foreshadows Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s own madness. amp;#9;Not only does the author use many details to express Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s isolation, but he also uses many descriptive words. To suggest Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s separation from the modern society, Faulkner uses words such as  ¡Ã‚ §coquettish decay ¡Ã‚ ¨,  ¡Ã‚ §tarnished gold, ¡Ã‚ ¨ and  ¡Ã‚ §nobles oblique ¡Ã‚ ¨ to depict the past. (1008-1014) Faulkner expands the paradox  ¡Ã‚ §coquettish decay ¡Ã‚ ¨ to illustrates the fact that Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s house is different from any other house in the community (1009). While Miss Emily ¡Ã‚ ¦s house used to be a magnificent building in town, it has now turned to be  ¡Ã‚ §an eyesore among eyesores ¡Ã‚ ¨ (1008). With the paradox of coquettish decay, Faulkner contrasts the attractiveness of the house in the past with the unattractiveness of it in the present. The comparison betweenShow MoreRelated A Rose for Emily and The Jilting of Granny Weatherall the Share theTheme of Jilting985 Words   |  4 Pagesremarrying, hav ing four children, and living to an old age, she never let go of this memory; the loss of George continued to have an effect on her. At the end of the story, Granny asks God for a sign, and when she does not get on, she feels that God has jilted her as well. With that final feeling, she dies. 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The rose has been used for centuries to illustrate an everlasting type of love and faithfulness. Even when a rose dies, it is still held in high regard. Miss Emily’s â€Å"rose† exists only within the story’s title. Faulkner leaves the reader to interpret the rose’s symbolic

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Efficiency and Inefficiency of The Global Stock Market Free Essays

The perception of efficiency is middle to economics. First and foremost, the term efficiency is used to explain a market in which pertinent in sequence is confiscate into the price of monetary assets. This is the main focal point of the research appraisal here. We will write a custom essay sample on Efficiency and Inefficiency of The Global Stock Market or any similar topic only for you Order Now Occasionally, though, economists use this word to refer to ready efficiency, highlight the way resources are working to make easy the operation of the market. The majority of this appraisal is concerned by the meaning, that is the informational efficiency of monetary markets. At the end of this research, we also believe the microstructure of monetary markets (Dimson, Elroy 2001, pp. 197-226). 2. Practically inefficient No doubt The efficient procedure of price strength of mind can be contrasted with an incompetent market, in which, according to the hypothesis, the pre-conditions for efficient cost (ideal information, lots of minute market participants) have not been assemble and value may be determined by issue such as insider trading, institutional buying power, propaganda, panic and stock market bubbles and further collective cognitive or touching behavioral biases. Generally, the majority of the mature markets, such as those of the North America, West Europe and Japan, are close to the efficient end, as those recently growing markets, such as those in South America, Eastern Europe, Africa and the majority of the Asian area, are closer to the inefficient end, or even subjugated by inefficiency. 3. China as a special version footnoting this theory. China’s securities market overview. Wang Sen, Li Jingping and Liu Xin from Shanxi University of Finance, China, once conducted a data-analysis, where Shanghai Stock Index used as price moving curve was compared with the payoff curve calculated through the weighted average of stocks’ payoffs. An interesting finding was that, even though the Index moved violently, the corresponding payoff level was fairly stable. In another word, it seems that the price movement of a stock has nothing to do with its immanent value, which is against classic finance theories (Elroy and Massoud Mussavian 2000). Macro-Economically Needless to say, a country’s securities market is far more delicate and sensitive than the overall economy of that country. That could be the reason why the securities market is called the forerunner or the indicator of national or, nowadays, global economy. And that could also be the reason why centralized management in a planned economy won’t work for securities market (even if it does for the whole economy for the time being): the system is just too complicated and chaotic to be centrally or planned. All these largely explain one of the weird things in China: the securities market has lost its identity as the indicator for the national economy. For the last twenty years, China’s economy has developed at an incredibly fast pace, while its securities market also deteriorates with ridiculously huge downfalls. As shown the charts below, China’s economy growth rate has been gradually decreasing from as high as 14.2% in 1992 to 7.1%-8% after 1998. However, the stock index as shown below is more like suffering from a crash landing on thin ice. It’s radically a different story than the country’s economic growth tells. How to cite Efficiency and Inefficiency of The Global Stock Market, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Vegetarianism Essay Research Paper Vegetarianism as defined free essay sample

Vegetarianism Essay, Research Paper Vegetarianism as defined by The World Book Dictionary ( 1989 ) is # 8220 ; the pattern or rule of eating merely vegetable nutrients and forbearing from eating meat, fish, or other carnal merchandises # 8221 ; . This definition, though accurate, seems slightly limited, as being a vegetarian is so much more: it is a lifestyle pick, a manner of thought, and a manner of behaving. Over 12 million Americans and countless others, from all over the universe, have turned to the vegetarian diet ( Vegetarian Times, 1996 ) . Peoples who have become vegetarians have made a witting pick to be this and, holding studied this pattern, no 1 should entertain going a vegetarian lightly. Even though there are many benefits to going a vegetarian, the determination could besides be harmful. There are many grounds for people to take a vegetarian life style. Some people follow it as a craze, while others profess to make it because of an antipathy to eating animate beings. There are spiritual grounds for non eating meat and still others follow vegetarianism as a manner to lose weight, utilizing it as a diet. In each instance it can be a healthy or a harmful manner to eat. The benefits or injury of vegetarianism is associated with two factors: instruction about nutritionary demands coupled with nutrient picks. Even groups like jocks can boom on a vegetarian diet if they are good educated to the organic structures # 8217 ; dietetic demands! and are good cognizant of the limit-less picks available on a vegetarian diet. What follows in this essay, is first: a brief, yet insightful expression at the vegetarian diet ( the nutritionary facet ) and so: an analysis of how this diet may, in fact, be a good pick for an jock. The first thing people need to recognize is that there is more than merely one type of vegetarian diet. In fact, there are three basic vegetarian diets to take from. The first is the lacto-ovo diet. This diet includes the usage of eggs and dairy merchandises. The 2nd 1 is the lacto diet, which besides includes the usage of dairy merchandises but, unlike the lacto-ovo diet, this diet does non include the usage of eggs. The 3rd diet is the vegan diet. This diet excludes the usage of eggs, dairy merchandises, and any nutrient prepared with eggs and dairy merchandises. Many vegans do non utilize honey either ( Giehl, 1979 ) . Changing your diet to one of these three vegetarian diets could be a move in a healthier way. Vegetarians are, on the norm, far healthier than those who consume the typical Western diet ( Hulsey, 1997 ) . It is a well-established fact that vegetarians suffer less bosom disease than meat-eaters ( The European, 1992 ) . The high measures of fat and protein and the entire deficiency of fibre in meat are linked to a distressing array of degenerative diseases such as # 8220 ; malignant neoplastic disease, coronary artery disease, diabetes, fleshiness, and many others # 8221 ; ( Akers, 1983 p. 23 ) . There is an emerging consensus that a vegetarian diet is really better than a meat-oriented diet. ( Akers, 1983 ) . The American Dietetic Association has frequently voiced it # 8217 ; s support of the # 8220 ; good planned # 8221 ; vegetarian diet ( Hulsey, 1997 ) . Good wellness, nevertheless, is non automatically guaranteed merely because person becomes a vegetarian. Understanding the organic structure # 8217 ; s dietetic demands, being organized and holding a good program are the keys to a healthy vegetarian diet. The organic structure requires a certain sum of protein, saccharides, fat, vitamins, and minerals, to prolong a long, healthy being. Most people believe that the vegetarian diet deficiencies in the needed sums of each of these. When, in world, these substances are in copiousness in the well-balanced vegetarian diet. In fact, from research, we learn that # 8220 ; it is widely recognized that works nutrients are the best beginnings of many of these foods # 8221 ; ( Akers, 1983 p.49 ) . Carbohydrates, fats and proteins are the primary beginnings of energy to the organic structure because they supply fuel necessary for organic structure heat and work ( Dunne, 1990 ) . Protein seems to be of the greatest concern for people believing about going a vegetarian. Following to H2O, protein is the most plentiful substance in the organic structure. It is one of the most of import elements for the care of good wellness and verve. Protein is the primary food involved in the growing and development of all organic structure tissues ( Dunne, 1990 ) . Our society has embedded in us the belief that the lone manner of acquiring adequate protein is to eat big measures of meat and that people who Don # 8217 ; t eat meat will endure from a protein lack. Ironically, protein is the easiest of all the foods to get. An entirely random choice of nutrient workss, incorporating adequate Calories to prolong life, will about ever supply plenty protein to run into your organic structure # 8217 ; s demands ( Akers, 1983 ) . Nathan Pritikin, states in his book The P! ritikin Program for Diet and Exercise ( Grosset and Dunlap, 1979 ) that # 8220 ; the best nutrient beginnings for protein are grains, roots, veggies, and fruits in unprocessed, minimally processed signifier # 8221 ; ( Tracy, 1985 ) . Procuring saccharides and fat in 1s # 8217 ; diet is non every bit much of a concern for the vegetarian. Carbohydrates are found chiefly in nutrient of works beginning and indispensable fatty acids are found widely in nutrient beginnings from workss. There has been some argument about the indispensable fatty acid, linoleic acid, and whether or non there was a sufficient sum of it in the vegetarian diet. The dietetic demand of linoleic acid is, approximately, 1 % to 3 % of entire Calories ( Dunne, 1990 ) . A survey done on British vegans showed that # 8220 ; they were acquiring approximately 13 % of their Calories from linoleic acid # 8221 ; ( Akers, 1983 ) . Clearly this shows that the mean vegetarian has little to be concerned approximately. The dietetic demands of other foods, which may be of extra concern to the vegetarian, are Ca and B12. For the vegetarian, particularly the vegan, fear about low degrees of these foods may be common. Where, on the 1 manus, milk and other dairy merchandises are a great beginning of Ca for the lacto and lacto-ovo vegetarians. For the vegan, who has eliminated all dairy merchandises from their diet, there is, nevertheless, small uncertainty that they excessively can acquire Ca from plant-based beginnings. Broccoli, boodle, Brassica rapa leafy vegetables, and spinach all have considerable sums of Ca in them. Equally good, even though grains in the signifier of staff of lifes are comparatively low in Ca, they are still a good beginning because of the high frequence of consumption by vegans ( Vegetarian Times, 1996 ) . Following to protein, B12 is likely the 2nd most of import issue in vegetarian nutrition. This is because # 8220 ; animate being protein is about the lone beginning in which B12 occurs of course in significant sums # 8221 ; ( Dunne, 1990 p.31 ) . However, merely improbably little sums of this vitamin are thought to be necessary. The mean individual needs about 3 mcgs per twenty-four hours ( Akers, 1983 ) . For the vegan, who is worried about the deficiency of this vitamin in their diet, they have many options. They can take B12 addendums or eat a B12 -fortified cereal a twosome of times a hebdomad. Another option for them is to add nutritionary barm to their nutrient ; one to two teaspoons contains a hebdomad # 8217 ; s dietetic demand of this vitamin ( Vegetarian Times, 1996 ) . It is clear, so, that the vegetarian diet can be healthy if it is has been instituted decently and with the consciousness of the organic structure # 8217 ; s nutritionary demands. This informed attack to devouring a vegetarian diet is even more of import for the vegetarian jock. They excessively can boom on the vegetarian diet if they include, every bit good, in their instruction a thorough apprehension of what their organic structure will necessitate to execute to it # 8217 ; s full possible. There have been several universe category jocks who have succeeded in their athleticss and done it on the vegetarian diet. Six clip Ironman victor, Dave Scott, the baseball place tally male monarch, Hank Aaron, tennis star, Martina Navratilova and many other top acting jocks hold all competed on a vegetarian diet ( Thimian, 1997 ) . All these jocks had something else in common. Besides being vegetarians, they all realized that to develop and vie at peek public presentation they needed to hold a well-balanced and complete vegetarian diet. The best vegetarian diet for the jock is the lacto-ovo diet because it allows them to keep the increased degrees of protein and Ca without holding to eat excessively many of the nutrients which contains majority. Although, a balanced vegan diet besides supplies far more protein than the needed day-to-day allowance and is rather equal for the preparation jock ( Doyle, 1979 ) . Having excessively much protein in the organic structure is non good for non-athlete, but is even worse for the jock. Excessively much protein in the organic structure can interfere with the organic structure # 8217 ; s ability to absorb Ca, which is highly of import to the jock, and can hinder public presentation ( Vegetarian Times, 1996 ; Winter, 1994 ) . Besides all the normal concerns of a vegetarian non-athlete, the vegetarian jock has extra considerations. # 8220 ; In add-on to high quality protein, vegetarian jocks must pay close attending to acquiring plenty of two indispensable minerals, Fe and zinc # 8221 ; ( Winters, 1994 p.1 ) Some peak public presentation jocks suffer from a status known as athleticss anaemia. Although it is iron related, it is non a true lack. # 8220 ; Sports anaemia is the organic structure # 8217 ; s inability to fit the increased plasma volume that occurs at high degrees of intense and drawn-out preparation # 8221 ; ( Thimian, 1997, p.3 ) . This status can be treated easy by taking Fe addendums, increasing vitamin C to heighten soaking up, and taking a remainder from or diminishing the physical emphasis that caused the status ( Thimian, 1997 ) . As good as being cognizant about their nutritionary demands and how to adequately run into them, the vegetarian jock must besides follow some basic, general, guidelines for all jocks. Having a pre-game, saccharide rich repast. This will guard off hungriness strivings and aid to keep blood sugar degrees during an activity or event. They must imbibe plentifulness of H2O during the activity to replace exhausted fluids. After the activity, the jock must loosen up. The organic structure needs clip to recover. Last, and most significantly, they must acquire plentifulness of remainder. The jock puts their organic structure through strict preparation and hence needs the slumber to renew, more so than sedentary people ( Doyle, 1979 ) . Following all of these guidelines will aid guarantee that the vegetarian jock ever achieves a extremum public presentation while keeping brilliant wellness. Vegetarianism has, for some clip, been the whipping boy of those who believe that there is no possible manner that a individual could except meat from their diet and remain healthy for long. This would use double to those who would make bold to reject meat and name themselves jocks. Both the meat industry and the medical community have for some clip presented a position that anyone who would effort to stay vegetarian for any length of clip would go ill nourished and, finally, ill. These yearss, nevertheless, members of the medical community have swayed to a saner position. Research has proven repeatedly that, with the proper instruction, vegetarianism is non merely safe, but even healthy. The greater fright, ironically, in the medical community, now, is about the high rate of disease caused by fatso nutrients, many of which root from the high ingestion of meat and dairy merchandises. Today # 8217 ; s physician is far more likely to be afraid of the high measures of meat and dairy merchandises that people consume that about the absence of it. It does non look that implausible if the diet of pick for everyone would one twenty-four hours be the vegetarian diet. Page Akers, K. ( 1983 ) . A Vegetarian Sourcebook. G.P. Putnam # 8217 ; s Son. New York. Doyle, R. ( 1979 ) . The Vegetarian Handbook. Crown Publishers Inc. New York. Dunne, L. ( 1990 ) . Nutrition Almanac: Third Eddition. McGraw-Hill Publishing. New York. Giehl, D. ( 1979 ) . Vegetarianism: A Way of Life. Harper and Row Publishing. New York. Hulsey, M. ( 1997 ) . Questioning Nutritional, Ethical, and, Ecological Arguments About Vegetarianism. The European. ( 1992 ) . Doctors say Meat-eaters Face the Chop. Tracy, L. ( 1985 ) . The Gradual Vegetarian. M.Evans and Company, Inc. New York. Vegetarian Times. ( 1996 ) . Vegetarian Beginner # 8217 ; s Guide. Macmillan. New York. Winters, M. ( 1994 ) . Vegetarian Athletes Need to Balance Protein in Their Diet.